Waxing Gibbous on the evening of Jan. 6, 2012
It was a clear evening and the moon was inviting. So I took out my tripod, telescope and my Olympus E-P3 which was already fitted with a T-mount to micro 4/3 adapter. This was my first attempt at capturing the moon with the E-P3 and telescope combo. The crisp picture of the moon showing up on the LCD screen was a delightful surprise. It practically covered the whole screen! No crop was needed for this shot!
It's been a while since I took out my OM 50mm f3.5 auto macro lens. This winter we are experiencing a very mild winter and despite several days of frost there are still daisies on the bush! They are always one of my favorite macro subjects.
Here's a shot of another daisy.
What a pleasant and delightful surprise it was to see Bird's Eye Speedwell on the ground in the winter! In the spring the ground would be covered with this pretty flowering weed! These are very tiny flowers and they measure not quite half an inch in diameter.
How can I not take a picture of my cat that loves to be with me in the yard when I am holding my camera? She was having a jolly old time "bathing" in the dirt that the gopher left on the ground!
*All pictures were shot with Olympus E-P3*
excellent photos