I've been looking forward to the birds migrating south this time of year. I've already noticed the Oregon Juncos and the Yellow Rumped Warblers. The Norther Flickers are also back pecking at the utility pole in front of my house.
As previously mentioned, I bought myself the Olympus PEN E-P3, and I thought maybe I could use that with my telescope as well. My Olympus E-620 does a really good job with my telescope. I love this combo for bird photography. So, I went looking for a T-mount to Micro 4/3 adapter and I was happy to find one!
Here's how my PEN E-P3 looks attached to my telescope. I find focusing with the OLED screen not too difficult but I think I will get an electronic view finder for my PEN because I think that will do a far better job with the focusing.
Here's a picture of a Scrub Jay in a bush taken with the PEN and the telescope combo.
The utility pole is about 30 meters from where I was. I was hoping for a woodpecker but the woodpecker stopped on the pole for just a moment, not enough time for me to take a picture of it.
No, I did not use my telescope to take this picture of the warbler! :-) I used my E-620 with my 70-300mm lens.
I don't know what it was feeding on on the pumpkin leaves. But it stayed there for a quite a while and I was able to take several pictures of it.
The warblers are about the size of the sparrows and they are plentiful this time of the year. I don't normally see them during the summer. I am looking forward to the Western Blue Birds and the House Finches. I saw some finches just before autumn started but I have not seen them since. I have not seen the Western Blue Birds either.